Greetings all. This post is dedicated to all of the items in my collection I am selling. New projects await!
I will add new things frequently, at the top of the page. So check back occasionally!
Answers to questions:
Unless marked as "SOLD" the item is available.
All prices are in USD.
Shipping costs are not included in sale price, unless specifically mentioned. (This is ideal for folks who want multiple items. The more you buy, the more you save. On shipping)
US only. I do not ship internationally, unless I have an existing relationship/friendship with you.
Payment via paypal, unless otherwise noted.
Don't like the listed price? Make me an offer! Most effective on multi-item purchases.
$450 - Star Trek Enterprise - Temporal Observatory Device
one piece, solid resin casting of a very rare piece of Trek history, Daniel's Temporal Observatory Device. This was redressed as a medical scanner for the borg episode too. I have included below a couple of screen grabs of its two incarnations, and some details from memory-alpha.
Casting is super clean, with a really well registered seam. Very little clean up required along the seam and minimal bubbles and pitting.
This is one generation out from production molds.
$35 - Roddenberry.com TOS women's scant pattern, includes blue invisible zipper and sciences insignia patch. Never used.
$25 - Roddenberry.com TOS Men's trousers pattern. Never used. Uncut.
$600 - Bajoran Rifle - Finished and painted by me. This is in absolute pristine condition. The stock is held in place with a couple of wood screws and can support the weight of the entire piece. A very rare casting that I believe to be finished quite nicely. No weathering. Straight off the assembly line.
$600 - The Rocketeer - Hughes Industries Worlds Fair Folio. This was made by an RPF member many years ago and is an absolute work of art through and through. Includes everything seen below and a few things that aren't pictured.
$450 - ZF1 Pod - Raw casting, rotocast. includes stand as a separate piece. I will throw in a free casting of the ZF1 remote too. What a bargain!
$25 - Batman 89 Spear gun dart. Just add an aluminum rod and a little paint, and you're ready to save gotham!
$150 - Munson made Arkham Grapple Gun Kit - Many moons ago I made a video series where I showed every phase of production on this piece. I recently found some extra castings of two half built kits. All these need is a final assembly and some paint, and they're ready to go.
$15 - Made for production "Batgirl: Spoiled" mini-rangs. Seen clearly on screen in the opening shots pretty clearly.
$40 - DaVinci Code prop. From the collection of Adam Savage. I got this in trade a while back, took it out of the box once. Put it back in upside down.
$125 - very rare Bajoran "Derringer" as seen in an episode or 2 of DS9. Beautiful paint job, ready to be displayed or used to usurp your fascist overseers.
$50 - "Earth 2" made for production ship panel. Includes the smoked plex insert.
$225 - Hirojin Pistol - Another super rare gem from Voyager, the seldom seen hirojin pistol that went on to appear in Enterprise as a few different weapons, including a vulcan phaser.
$70 - Made for production Jem H'Dar costume detail piece. I used to know what this was, but have since forgotten. I want to say it goes on the arm somewhere.
$150 - Star Trek Enterprise Klingon Dagger - From production molds, this is the dagger used at the end of the pilot to slice the Klingons hand. The one pictured is not the exact one for sale. It's grey, one piece. But of the same lineage as the one pictured.
$75 - Enterprise Phase Pistol. This is an interesting piece. From the talented hands of Mark Worley. Metal nozzle, and so is the thing underneath it and the oval piece on the body. This was made from screen grabs of the unreleased pilot. I consider this a fascinating piece of trek fandom history :D
$15 - Rubies BvS grapple gun. No mods or paint.
$175 - Enterprise T'Pol scanner. Missing a side switch and the battery cover, simple to fabricate though. A couple bubbles on the face but otherwise a beautiful casting.
$50 - Voy small padd - This was made by me from one of the laser cut kits I used to sell, years and years ago. Very clean, and totally symmetrical, unlike the screen used ones.
$60 - Wonder Woman Tiara - 3d printed, coated with a blast of primer. Great piece! Really wonderfully modelled.
$45 - Blade Runner Zhora Polaroid. Boy I remember the stink this one caused years ago. oy. Comes with the display stand as seen. This is totally ready to be placed on your Blade Runner collection shelf!
$45 - Batman forever style batarang. You can see this style of rang on the weapons wall in the bat cave during the suit up sequence.
$60 - Keaton Batmobile Frizbee. Rotocast.
$40 - Star Trek Enterprise IDIC. One generation out from real deal.
$100 - Star Trek Continues Phaser - Made for production.
$20 - Blade Runner Tyrell Building studio scale elevator.
$10 - Latinum strip, all three for 25.
$15 - Small scale federation comm badge
$350 - Blade Runner Syd Mead concept blaster. Unpainted. Beautiful piece in beautiful condition.
$45 - TOS Phaser 2 kit. I think this is a JLong kit.
$150 - Robocop Airsoft gun. No accessories included. I have not gassed this up in many years. I cannot say for certain that it still functions as it should, but it did last time I messed with it. Got this from japan.
$15 - Star Trek TNG Klingon costume detail pieces.
$150 - Star Trek Enteriprise Suliban hand phaser. This is the second gen style of this phaser. The ones seen in the pilot had a weird, coral- like finish on them, which I guess the actors didn't like holding onto. So they switched to the smooth one. This is a repaint of a "Dirty Pair" toy gun that was seen on earlier trek shows also.
$75 - Star Trek TMP Entprise bridge miniature casting. This is a real deal casting. Not production used.
$50 - Star Trek Enterprise PADD back. This is a casting of a production made padd, but only the back half. I used it as reference to build my replica a few years ago. This is not a fan made piece.
$20 - Gold press latinum bar
$15 - Farscape com badge
$15 - Smallville Button
$10 - Trek Klingon costume detail pieces.
$200 - Malcolm Reynolds pistol. This is the Serenity version. Beautiful casting, real deal. Painted by Jason Eaton. The thumbscrews are missing but I will include a set of two unpainted resin ones, not pictured.
Placeholder - I have a JLONG phaser kit for sale, these are some of the parts.
$60 - Star Trek TNG Geordi Laforge engineering padd. (White resin casting of the piece pictured)
$30 - Madkatz game controller. This was used as the base for the phaser used in the Star Trek Voyager episode "Drive". I started modding it, but then got ahold of a casting of the real deal so I didn't need this one.
$75 - Nemesis tricorder. This is the front half of the body, does not include the flip up top. This is a real deal casting.
$60 - Star Trek DS9 Small Padd. I think this is the Jake Sisko writing padd. (White resin casting of the piece pictured)
$60 - Star Trek The Motion Picture Medical Padd. (White resin casting of the piece pictured)
$60- Star Trek TNG small padd. (White resin casting of the piece pictured)
$45 - Star Trek Voyager Small PADD
200 - Production made Fifth Element Korben Dallas apartment miniature pieces. Got these from a gent who worked on the movie. You can CLEARLY see where these were used for the miniature where the food boat comes up to Korben's apartment. Nice little piece of movie history.
50 - Blade Runner replica of one of Leon's precious photos. This is the one Deckard feeds into the esper. Fan made.
50 - Blade Runner Spinner logo. Resin, painted metallic silver.
100 - ST WOK phaser. This is an old Alberta Industrial Models kit finished by me. A little yellowing on the translucent disk. Graphics sheet on top.
250 - Blade Runner, Tyrell Building piece. This is a very iconic piece of the Tyrell building that is easily identified in many behind the scenes photos. I came upon a couple resin castings of this a while back and painted one of them. Just experimenting with colors and technquies really. I think this is a very neat little piece that can either be displayed as is or used as an awesome and interesting base for some other Blade Runner pieces.
1,000 - UD Replicas MOS suit. Jacket M, Pants M, Boots 42.
50 - Jem H'Dar Tricorder from DS9. Raw casting, fantastic condition.
200 - UD Replicas BVS Batman Belt, Size S.
300 - SDStudios Obi Wan Saber ANH
30 - Minority Report John Anderton ID and lanyard. I made this about 10 years ago. Turned out great!
300 - MR ANH Vader AP. no case nor paperwork
50 - Batman Arkham video game grapple gun. BIG! Resin cast of a 3d print. Needs a little clean up but a great piece.
50 - Minority Report Anderton Baretta.Super clean cast but the butt is missing some resin. Just needs to be filled in. no missing details.
200 - Batman BvS grapple gun kit - mix of cast resin and 3d printed parts. Beautiful kit. Extremely well modelled.
30 each - Starlord satchel buckles
100 - Affleck Daredevil Billy Club. One gen out from a production made piece. If you want a finished one, please DM me.
300 - MR ESB Vader - No paperwork no case. Signature edition AP.
35 - Farscape grenade. Cast in Black/Dark Grey.
30 - Farscape pistol that shoots little yellow balls of light. From the pilot episode. Fan made. Got this from an RPF member a while back
20 - Batman Forever belt buckle.
25 each - batman forever belt buckles with the outer thingies. Anyone remember Alberta Industrial Models from back in the day? Got these from them.
60 - Gil Hibben Double Shadow. Originally thought this was the knife that the dude shaves with in The Fifth Element, but I think it turned out that the one in the movie was a turkish knock off of THIS knife. Dunno if that's correct. Could be the real deal.
55 - Cowboy Bebop ericho 941./Baby Desert Eagle and holster
275 - Blade Runner blaster holster - Phillipes
38 - Batman and Robin Ice Rang Resin Kit
50 - Fifth Element Korben Dallas' telephone base. This is the precise model of phone that was used to build the tiny phone you see korben talking to in his apartment. They shaved it down, re-organized the buttons, and gave it a custom backing. There is a similar, more common model of the phone but the buttons are different colors. A definite find for Fifth Element prop enthusiasts.
325 - Mangalore Bust - From Adam Savage's Collection
40 - Mangalore Dagger from Fifth Element. Resin. Painted. Not super clean BUT that's what the made for production ones looked like.
Multipass Kit. (Full build up pictured below)
$45 shipped US
$55 Shipped int'l
40 - Fifth Element / ZF1 Remote resin casting and accurate reflective tape. Cast in dark grey resin.
1,200 - Batman 89 all metal spear gun
300 - Starlord Jacket w accurate zipper. Mark Poon. Size L
600 - SDStudios Thunderball rebreather
10 - Tron video game tokens. From disneyland during their Tron Legacy promotion. One gold, one silver.
55 - Vektor CP1 resin casting. Korben Dallas/BSG. Cast in black/dark Grey. USA only.