Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Zorg Remote

This is really just an informational post that I'm putting together as a contribution to a thread running at an online forum discussing the anatomy of the ZF-1, the awesome gun featured in "The Fifth Element".

Here is a photo of the hero, screen used Zorg remote for the ZF-1:

And here is the TYPE of game that was used to create it.

It took me a REALLY LONG time to get ahold of this game. Though they were plentiful years ago, they were not very desireable to collectors, so they were lost to trash bins worldwide. I spent a lot of time looking through online collections of 80's handheld LCD games, and finally stumbled upon a collector who had one. I got in touch with him, though he did not have one he was willing to sell. After about six months, he emailed me out of the blue and informed me that the had purchased one in a lot of games he won on ebay, and wanted to know if I was still interested. Naturally, I was, so I grabbed it.

For the screen used game, they literally just spray painted it black, and put yellow reflective tape over the screen. They didn't even sand off the decals or paint job on the original. The one in the picture above is NOT the same one used in the hero, though it is the same chassis. I learned that the same body was used for tons of different games. They even used the same programming, just changed the sprites.

I found a place online that sells a yellow reflective tape that appears to be a perfect match. Check it out.

Here are some posts I made in the past on this blog about building up my own Zorg Remote.

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