I took at look at what was being offered, and emailed the site owner to see if he was interested in collaborating on making the boots a bit more accurate. After a couple emails and a few photos, the design was IMMENSELY improved. Take a look at these pictures of the current model:

While they are not 100% accurate, they certainly capture the feel and style of the screen used boots. I am going to work with Keith a bit more to see if we can get them one step closer to being correct as far as the pattern goes. As they stand in these pics, they are really darn close. Keith is using vinyl for these, which is a good choice as it is much cheaper than leather, and also easier to work with. From what I understand, there are a couple different textures being used, which is pretty cool.
Not that my stamp of approval is worth anything, but I recommend these boots. They are the best on the market that I have seen. There's a few folks out there that are offering boots, but none come close to Keiths in terms of accuracy. The price is also really fantastic. Please check out their website, and tell them that Matt Munson says hello.
Thanks so much for the link! This is exactly what I have been looking for. Now if I can only find a great cape to go along with it.
Hey Matt, I want to email you a question, but I can't find your email. Help please!
I bought a SR costume and have everything except a good pair of boots. The site from you reference in your blog is no longer active. Do you know of ANYONE who I can get custom boots made.
The site was closed late 2011 / early 2012 as the Owner was selling and the last I hear no-one had bought it. With the demise of the site I do not know anyone else offering these
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