2011 is off to an amazing start. I got this in the mail just the other day, all the way from japan. All I can say at this time is "wow". Seriously, my quest for the perfect Blade Runner gun is just plain over.
Once you take the lid off, you are greeted with the instruction manual, and some really killer dense foam. So far, it's a VERY professional presentation.
I have since put together a video of the gun, showing off it's features. Pretty snazzy.
Temonosuke Blaster Pro on Youtube
Jeez, costs more than my H&K usp compact. You could nearly buy a desert eagle for that price.
I'm sure you could buy a Desert Eagle for that price, but then, it wouldn't look like a Blade Runner gun now would it :)
Besides, I'm not a citizen, so I can't own firearms. Even if I could, I don't find collecting them very interesting. However, I HAVE wanted a super accurate blade runner gun for most of my life. So for me, it was a good deal. Though that doesn't mean it would be a good deal for everyone :)
Would be really good to see some scans of the instruction manual, I'd love to see this up on Gun Disassembly:
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