Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lug Nuts Installed, More Nosecone Putty

With the putty cured, it was time to do more clean up on the nose cone. What you see before you is about an hour of sanding work. Not really a ton of work, but definitely enough to give me a sore arm. It's coming along pretty well, but I think the next coat of primer will really help to reveal the trouble spots.

Since I'm still experimenting with techniques, I left a ton of pin holes unattended to. I will attack those with a different methodology.

Since I got my new lug nuts, I figured it was time to install them. Naturally, I did not have a socket that was the right size. I also needed an extension for my wrench if I was going to put them on properly. One trip to Sears later, and I had these on hand.

Without an impact wrench, it actually takes a pretty long time to put these on! Using just my socket wrench, and having to switch sockets when taking out the old ones and putting on the new ones added up. Still, the results are pretty awesome, and I'm happy.

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